Thread Lift
This cosmetic procedure lifts your eyebrows
Create a balanced, smart and alert look

Thread lift

If your face gives a sad or tired look even when you feel cheerful, then you need to think about getting rid of the forehead and brow area sagging. This cosmetic procedure lifts your eyebrows, which makes your face look more cheerful and attractive. Elegance Clinics is where you will receive a forehead lift for a youthful appearance and smoother feel. Your upper eyelid skin is raised with precision to create a balanced, smart and alert look. Procedure may require to insert specialized threads known as Spring Threads. As we grow old, we lose facial fat. Also, the facial support structure gets weak. To redefine facial contour and get back youthful appearance thread lift is a safe alternative to traditional facelift cosmetic surgery.

A Thread Lift is an Aesthetic Procedure

A thread lift is an aesthetic procedure treats minor facial and neck sagging to render a rejuvenated appearance. It can be done on mid face, lower face, neck or brow. Treated area is raised and sagging is eliminated. It is a minimally invasive method. The scarring is virtually invisible, and threads are hidden within the skin once they are knotted. Many a times thread lift is done in combination with other non-invasive procedures such as laser treatments, anti-wrinkle injections & facial peel to improve the texture of the skin. Also, liposuction may be done at the same time to enhance the facial contours.

A thread facelift is an innovative, safe, convenient alternative to traditional facelift surgery. Designed to be less invasive, it can reduce sagging around the cheeks, jawline, and neck more quickly and with less risk than the conventional approach. However, the lift and consequent rejuvenation achieved is lesser than that achieved with traditional facelift.

Special threads are used to hold repositioned skin and facial tissue in place after surgery. These anchorage clear threads provided with cogs or barbs which engage into the facial skin and underlying tissue. Once engaged the threads are pulled up and secured to an unyielding deeper tissue.

Thread lifts generally produce noticeable results almost immediately and with less risk and inconvenience than more intensive procedures, thread lift costs are quite reasonable compared to traditional options.

Thread lift can be performed under local anaesthesia or under intravenous sedation. A small incision is taken within the hairline in the temple region or behind the ears (for neck). The long straight needle of the device is passed through this cut in the desired direction. The threads are used in pairs so that they can be tied to each other and anchored to deeper tissue. Incision is closed at the end of the procedure. Adhesive paper tapes may be applied to minimize swelling and to facilitate the grip of the device on your skin. The tapes are removed after 3-4 days.

Types of Thread Lift

For thread lift mostly two types of threads are used :

1. Barbed thread or free cogged - Barbed lift suture does not require to be suspended. They are self-supporting sutures just like hold-up stocking. They are the most commonly used threads in current days.

2. Suspension threads - Suspension threads need to be suspended to a stable structure of scalp face. This type is best suited to the patients with mild to moderate facial tissue sagging. It is mostly recommended to the patients in mid-thirties to fifties. Suspension threads may be resorbable or non-resorbable. They are mostly made up of nylon or prolene.

Recovery Process of Threadlift

There may be some swelling and bruising on the treated area. You will be instructed not to rub, massage or move the area for the next 8 days. You may wash the area gently after 3-4 days, taking care that the washing and wiping movements are in the upward direction.

Thread lifts generally produce noticeable results almost immediately and less risk and inconvenience than more intensive procedures, thread lift costs are quite reasonable compared to traditional options. On the flip side, the effect lasts for 2-3 years only and you may require another session after that. Complications are rare and may include –

  • Bruising
  • Painful Scar
  • Dimpling
  • Pigmentation
  • Asymmetry
  • Premature wearing off of effect due to loosening of grip