A Surgical facelift procedure improves the aged appearance created on your face because of gravity and sun exposure especially when you are cheerful and energetic as young but your mirror shows signs of ageing like wrinkles, sagging cheeks or Jowls and deepened skin folds. The improvement becomes visible in the form of tightened skin in your cheek area along with shallowing of nasolabial folds and reduction in skin wrinkles. This is the best modality of Facial Rejuvenation and makes you look many years younger. Surgery is performed under IV or General Anesthesia.
In Surgical Facelift, a cut is made at the junction of cheeks and ear extending upwards into hairy area for 3-4 cms and extending backwards in the groove behind the ear. The skin of the face and neck is elevated from the underlying tissues, pulled up and backwards, excess skin trimmed, underlying muscles tightened and sutured. A liposuction of neck and Jowl area can be combined with the procedure to improve Jaw definition. The final scar being at the junction of two different areas is usually inconspicuous.
It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies from patient to patient. The first couple of days after surgery you should restrict your activities and sleep with your head elevated for the first 2 weeks. This will help to minimize swelling. In addition, facial movements may be temporarily restricted. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or motion during time of healing. The compressive garment must be worn for 3-4 weeks.
It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or motion during time of healing.
The results of a facelift cannot be permanent because as the skin ages it would become saggy again & no treatment can change it. Facelift would ideally stay around 9-10 years.
Thus, choosing the right surgeon for your face is of prime importance. Dr. Sanchit Garg, topmost plastic surgeon will be the perfect consultant and doctor for all Cosmetic treatment.