Genital Rejuvenation
Get A Stitch in Time before your Wedding Chimes
Revirginalisation Procedure


Hymen can rupture due to Sports Injuries, Trauma, Sexual Intercourse etc and sometimes it can be absent by birth.

Repair of the Torn edges of Hymen is termed HYMENOPLASTY or REVIRGINISATION procedure. Hymenoplasty is done under Local Anesthesia, without any need of admission. It is done with dissolvable sutures and it does not produce any visible scar. It takes hardly about 30 minutes for the complete procedure.

Full confidentiality of Identity is maintained.

"Get A Stitch in Time before your Wedding Chimes"

Vaginal Tightening

Vagina changes over time

Two things can affect your vagina’s elasticity: age and childbirth. Frequent sex or lack thereof won’t cause your vagina to lose its stretch.

Over time, childbirth and age could potentially cause a slight, natural loosening of your vagina.

Women who’ve had more than one vaginal birth are more likely to have weakened vaginal muscles. However, aging can cause your vagina to stretch slightly, regardless of whether you’ve had children.


You  begin to see a change in your vagina’s elasticity starting in your 40s. That’s because your estrogen levels will begin to drop as you enter the  perimenopausal stage.

A loss of estrogen means your vaginal tissue will become:

  • Thinner
  • Drier
  • Less Acidic
  • Less Stretchy or Flexible

These changes may become more noticeable once you reach full menopause.

As a result of changes brought by ageing and childbirth the vaginal opening becomes wider, the vaginal tract too becomes loose that reduces the pleasure of Love Making of both the partners.

How is it Done?

The procedure is done under Spinal or Intarvenous Anesthesia. The loosened excess Vaginal Mucosa is removed and its opening is narrowed along with tightening of underlying Perineal Muscles. Patient is discharged the same day and advised abstinence for about a month.


A labiaplasty is a surgery to reduce the size of the Labia Minora – the flaps of skin either side of the vaginal opening. Some women want a labiaplasty because the flaps could be larger than usual or they do not like the look of their labia.

How is it Done?

  • A labiaplasty can be done using a local anaesthesia with or without sedation.
  • It involves shortening or reshaping the vaginal lips. The unwanted tissue is cut away with a scalpel or laser. The loose edges are stitched with fine, dissolvable stitches.
  • The whole procedure takes about 1 to 2 hours.
  • You may be able to go home the same day.


You may need about 7-10 off work to recover. It can take a couple of months for the skin to fully heal.

During this time you need to:

  • keep the area clean and free from infection
  • wear loose underwear and clothes to prevent rubbing
  • avoid sex for about 6 weeks
  • avoid excessive physical activity for 6 to 12 weeks

Side Effects

It's normal after a labiaplasty to have soreness, bruising and swelling for up to 2 weeks.

During this time, peeing and sitting may also be uncomfortable. You'll be given painkillers to help with this.


About Thinning, Wrinkled Vulvar Skin

With time, skin everywhere on the body becomes thin. This includes vulvar skin which can thin, become wrinkled, and become easily traumatized. This occurs as a result of decreased collagen and blood supply largely from fluctuating or decreasing hormonal stimulation of the vulvar skin.

Collagen is a major component of all skin. It strengthens skin and provides elasticity. With age, the body produces less collagen which leads to thinning of vulvar skin and the development of wrinkles. Smoking and dehydration can worsen this.

The wrinkle reducing effects of collagen enhancing therapy is well known and established with therapies for the face. The same applications can be applied to the vulva. Therapy that increases vulvar collagen results in less skin dryness, thicker skin, and improved elasticity. This means a more youthful appearance and reduction of vulvar wrinkles.

Labia Majoraplasty

At times, to improve a large amount of wrinkles and depressions, an Ellipital Removal of tissue is necessary. This is a labia majoraplasty. Sometimes combination of Labia Majoraplasty with Labia Fat Transfer for augmentation is necessary.