Removal of Excess Unwanted Stubborn Fat
That is not responding to diet and exercise


Liposuction (Lipoplasty/ Liposculpture) is the Removal of Excess Unwanted Stubborn Fat from any area of the body (abdomen, waist, love handles, hips, buttocks, neck, arms etc.) that is not responding to diet and exercise. A Motivated Person keen on maintaining a Healthy Diet and a Balanced Schedule is an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction. Liposuction is Not a Treatment for Weight Control or Obesity. The Procedure is done under Local, Regional or General Anesthesia

How is it done?

The Cosmetic surgeon will Inject a Mixture of Fluid and Medicines into the fatty area being treated. Then about 2-5 small cuts (2-5 mm) are made in your skin and a thin metal tube is inserted. This is attached to a machine that helps in breaking up and suctioning of fat. The small cuts are closed with Dissolvable sutures and the final scars are barely visible. You get Inch Loss and Better Contour of the Body Part. Recovery is fast.

Abdominal Etching

Six Pack Liposuction

When a person has an Athletic Physique and near normal Body Weight and he is not able to get the desired cuts of Six or Eight Pack Abs despite following regular gym and regular diet schedule a targeted liposuction can be done to achieve those cuts. The procedure is called "Abdominal Etching". The procedure is sought after usually by Models.

Liposuction surgery may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the

  • Upper arms and forearms
  • Thighs
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Abdomen and waist
  • Back
  • Chest area
  • Cheeks, chin and neck
  • Calves and ankles
  • Breasts, axillary tail

Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift, breast reduction or a tummy tuck. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. It is also not an effective treatment for cellulite – the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks – or loose saggy skin. While it is possible to undergo liposuction at almost any age or any weight. We are improving your body contours and proportion.

Liposuction surgery Performed

The liposuction procedure is performed in an operation theatre under suitable anaesthesia. The choices include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your liposuction surgeon will recommend the best choice for you.

Your liposuction surgeon will mark the areas and identify the planned incisions for you pre-operatively in the upright position. Liposuction is performed through tiny, inconspicuous incisions.

First, diluted local anesthesia is infiltrated to reduce less bleeding and trauma. Then a thin hollow tube or cannula, inserted through the incisions. Using a controlled back and forth motion of the cannula, fat is suctioned out of the body by using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.

A compressive pressure garment is applied over the areas that were suctioned.

During your liposuction recovery, a compression garment is mandatory for about 4-6 weeks as it helps to control the swelling and compresses the skin to your new body contours. You will notice swelling and bruising which is expected. Both will subside after a few weeks. Stitches will generally be removed by the 7-8 day after surgery. Be sure to arrange for someone to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery.

Good Candidates For Liposuction

  • Clients with good skin elasticity and tone
  • There should be minimal excess skin.
  • Patients with a realistic expectation and a positive attitude.
  • Patients with stable weight but with unwanted fat in specific body parts, you should postpone liposuction.
  • Women who are not breastfeeding.
  • Individuals who do not have an allergy to lidocaine.
  • The client should be in good health. If you have coronary heart disease, a week immune system or diabetes, you should not go for liposuction.