Commonly known as a Nose Job
Correcting, Reconstructing & Enhancing Function of Nose

Rhinoplasty(Nose Job)

Being located in the center of face, a little change in the shape of the nose can bring about dramatic change in the looks/beauty of the face .Commonly known as a Nose Job, Rhinoplasty is a Plastic surgical Procedure for Correcting, Reconstructing and Enhancing the Form and Function of Nose. Rhinoplasty will benefit you if you are suffering from any of the following:

1. Broad Nose
2. Deviated or Crooked Nose
3. Depressed or Saddle Nose

4. Long or Short Nose
5. Thickened or broad Tip
6. A bump on nose if seen from sides

With a nose that is more aesthetically pleasing, you can soon be a happier and more confident person. It is important that you have a clear idea of how you would like your nose to look and at the same time, realize that there are limitations to procedure. Cosmetic surgeons usually recommend that patients wait until they are at least 14-15 years and possibly older for boys, before undergoing rhinoplasty. Many times, a revisional rhinoplasty surgery is performed on the nose to correct a previously failed primary surgery

Rhinoplasty performed

Rhinoplasty is performed, under or intra-venous sedation or general anaesthesia. We will recommend the best choice for you. Your surgeon will mark the areas and plan the extent of surgery for you pre-operatively in the upright position.

In rare instances the incisions are placed inside the nose (Closed rhinoplasty). More commonly, a very short incision is made across the columella and then extended within the nostrils on either side (Open rhinoplasty).If the base of the nose is to be narrowed, small wedges of skin at the base of the nostrils will be removed. Because of individual factors, not everyone will achieve the same results after rhinoplasty. Alterations may be made to increase or decrease the nasal bridge, reduce the size the nose, narrow the nostrils, change the angle between the nose and upper lip or reshape the tip.

Recovery Process in Rhinoplasty

It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies from patient to patient. The first couple of days after surgery you should restrict your activities and sleep with your head elevated for the first 2-3 weeks. Very slight changes to the structure of your nose — often measured in mm — can make a large difference in how your nose looks.

Common side effects include
  • Swelling- usually resolves in about 3-10 days
  • Bruising- Resolves in 10-14 days
  • Pain- temporary and manageable with medications
  • Nose bleed- usually minor
  • Need of splintage for 10-14 days if your bones have been broken and adjusted